Friday, February 25, 2011

Show us yer Ankles!

Is no part of a woman's body free from objectification? In this Old Navy commercial, the female ankle takes center stage to the male gaze. A group of hypersexualized women (Cherrie and the Stems *gag*) dance and sing about showing off their ankles. "Welcome to the Ankle show." The male in the commercial sings, "Time to show them ankles, please. Those sexy little things about a foot below your knees." I guess we should be happy that he said please, huh? Seriously, it's bad enough that every other part of our bodies get chopped into titillating viewable bits but now our ankles, too!?


  1. I really disliked this ad, too. And on top of what you already said, they're advertising seriously unflattering jeans, that, unless you're Audrey Hepburn, no one can wear without looking soooo much shorter. And it's just an awful ad. Their ads have been generally bad for a while now. Bring back the mannequins! lol

  2. yeah, at least with mannequins, no actual human being was being exploited.
